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The Catcher in the Rye
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Great Gatsby
Where the Sidewalk Ends
Animal Farm
Slaughterhouse Five
Of Mice and Men
A Tale of Two Cities
The Count of Monte Cristo
Under the Tuscan Sun
The Da Vinci Code
The Bourne Identity
Kiss the Girls
Into the Wild
Into Thin Air
The Fellowship of the Ring
The Hobbit
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone
Angels and Demons

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Friday, April 17, 2009

What TEA Parties?

So, the national media made a choice. A choice to ignore a movement that was not strictly a "right"movement, but a movement by Americans who are fed up with the "FED". Fed up with senseless, directionless and irresponsible spending, not to mention the strain it will place on our future. I feel sorry for those who are walking around with blinders on feeling that this spending can be handled well by DC. Let me repeat, spending that can be handled well by DC. We can not even fathom the debt this is going to place on us. Look, there are only two things they can do about this eventual debt. One, print more money, thereby creating an super-inflation, which will diminish the strength of the dollar, which seems to be an oxymoron anymore, or two raise taxes. These moves are counter-intuitive, and will cause great damage. Of course DC is banking on revenue, but again, these moves seem counter-intuitive; therefore, this is a self defeating approach to handling the crisis. Look, I am not a financial genius by any stretch of the imagination, but DC seems content to make mistakes, and then say, "Oh by the way, we are going to tax you even further." We'll see, but let's get back to the TEA party.

So, there were those who not only dismissed the TEA parties, but were mocked by the likes of CNN, and MSNBC (specifically Idiot Olberman and Rachel "Mad"dow). These networks would have been out en masse had these been protests against Bush. These are the same networks who dedicated a tremendous amount of time to protestors of those in the last election regarding Proposition 8, a proposition related to gay marriage that was voted on by the uber-liberal California, but something that most likely drew more than a million nationwide was ignored. This is a sad day in America when the media fails to "look out for us."

Listen, it's no secret that most major media outlets are going to lean liberal because they are located in very large cities that tend to lean liberal, but this seems to be a blatant disregard for the rest of the country that doesn't necessarily care for the big city ideas. I could write an entire book on the influence of "cultural" ideas that have forever altered this country, but I digress.

So, like my blog title, the bottom line is this, the TEA parties were a chance for the national media outlets to show they were looking out for the people, and that it shouldn't matter who is in the White House or the majority in Congress, but is about America first. They clearly showed their true colors, and it wasn't very attractive. My suggestion to you all out there is to boycott as many of these national outlets as possible when viewing. Nothing hurts these networks more than viewers, and if we want to send a true message, it's all about taking action and avoiding these networks. I wish my DirecTV would offer station choices, then I could get rid of them, sending an even clearer message. As always, have a great day!

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