Scott's books

The Catcher in the Rye
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Great Gatsby
Where the Sidewalk Ends
Animal Farm
Slaughterhouse Five
Of Mice and Men
A Tale of Two Cities
The Count of Monte Cristo
Under the Tuscan Sun
The Da Vinci Code
The Bourne Identity
Kiss the Girls
Into the Wild
Into Thin Air
The Fellowship of the Ring
The Hobbit
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone
Angels and Demons

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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What is he saying?

When the election was over, and even though my candidate did not win, I knew that there was to be a new president and that I needed to support him. I have tried to be patient with his ideas, although I do not believe they are decisions well thought out. I can understand spending if it is done right, and if it goes toward worthy projects, but President Obama's recent trip abroad troubles me.

Why do people insist on apologizing for U.S.? What was the point to say that we have been sinful of slavery, Native-American genocide (my word for emphasis), and a place where 50 years ago he, our president, would not have been able to vote? Why did he feel the need to say these things? Is Europe or the Middle East pure? Hardly not, they have some deep and dark sins themselves. I do not wish to embark on a right/left angle here, but why do liberals constantly feel they must apologize for us. I don't get it. I can understand the arrogance statement, but what great nation does not have a sense of arrogance about it? He acquitted himself nicely by saying that perhaps people's perceptions of us are mistaken as well, but as soon as he traveled the next day he was back at it, saying US bad, you good.

Again, America is no saint country by any stretch of the imagination, but I just wish that he would have articulated and extolled the greatness of this country; how we contribute more money to Africa than any other country, and various other humanitarian aid and assistance we provide. Of course he couldn't say that in the face of Europe, which has exploited Africa for generations, and the fact that no president has helped Africa like President Bush. Why do we always have to play politics? Did he think a chorus of 'boos" would have emerged by mentioning Bush having done a good thing? Lastly, did Bush ever openly criticize the Clinton or Carter admininstration? I find the hypocrisy of the left to be absolutely astonishing. This is unfortunate in light of what Mr. Obama campaigned on.

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