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Saturday, November 21, 2020

The Politics of a Virus

So, this is what happens when you inject politics into a major health situation. You get misinformation, lies, agendas, and the sacrifice of the greater citizenry. This is not aimed at those who work that hour to hour job or rely on services to make a living. No, this is aimed at people like me. People who can safely work from home or are guaranteed their income. I cannot tell you how much I have prayed for those good people in the trenches of our society who really make the wheels turn and yet they are the ones who are being sacrificed. “We’re in this together.” Yeah, for about 15 minutes, then a certain party realized they could exploit and take advantage of the situation. Just consider who is REALLY FIGHTING FOR YOU! So yeah, I am so disgusted with the whole notion of this coronavirus crap. I firmly believe many of these people in charge have no idea what they are doing. Science this, science that. And yet, science that is contrary to “their science” is fallacy, lies. It’s absurd and it’s hurting our country. 

First of all, as most of you know, we lost our father to this f****** China virus. He and my mom were in AL and supposed to be protected. Testing negative only 10 days before having to go to the hospital with virtually zero chance because it was too far in to the virus. And yes, I will go on record as saying this virus was willfully released. You can call me a conspiracy theorist, I don’t give a shit, honestly. Just connect the dots: outbreak in the fall of 2019 in China, yet is quickly mitigated by a country with more than a billion people, but somehow the world can’t seem to get it under control? Not just us, EVERYBODY if you DO THE RESEARCH and not listen to propaganda media in the US. And why are you so afraid to hold the CCP accountable? WTH is wrong with you people who refuse to do that? If not, you are complicit. Yeah, I said it. You went along for this ride because of hatred for ONE MAN! Wow, that dude got into your heads, didn’t he? For those of you who just jumped on the bandwagon of so much false media, shame on you. Shame on you for not doing a little f******* research. You know how many times over the last several months I had to share researchable information with dodo’s who didn’t have a clue or said, “No, that’s not true.” Yeah, are you going to believe a media that has lied repeatedly these last 4 years or are you willing to do your own research? Laziness. Pure laziness or complicity. 

I am not going to rehash this from day one, I simply want to point out a few things. In the spring the demand was, “flatten the curve”. I mean, the “experts” said that. So we did, and then it went on and on. Then there was the cry for, “more testing, more testing.” So, we ramped up testing, not really (check the various professionals) knowing the efficacy of the testing process. People were getting false positives, false negatives. People would test one week and be negative and the next be positive. I think the whole design behind “massive testing” was a plus and a strike. A plus because we could say, “Look, we test more than anybody.” On the flip side, the opposition could say, “Oh my God, look how many cases we have.” And who got the blame for trying to ramp up testing? Yep, the orange man in the WH. Fast forward to late summer. Anyone with any semblance of common sense would know that once we started moving around again, getting outside, etc., that there would be another wave. But man, watch the media and you would have thought this was all careless work and ineptitude by the WH Task Force. And yet the media NEVER blamed the rioting, looting, protesting, as any sort of super spreader. Amazing how gullible we are. IF you believed that nonsense, then you should have an evaluation as soon as possible. You are either lying to yourself or you lack some serious common sense. But that is something that is not lost on the left. So, the second wave hits, but deaths drop in terms of percentages. Did the public get a fair shake at that? UH, NO! Proof that children are nearly immune and survive at 99.99% still demands of, “Close the schools!” rings through every town hall. 

Due to the second wave, all states got more serious about mask mandates. Even those hateful Trump people, for the most part, were wearing masks when they couldn’t socially distance. However, the rioting, looting, shouting and screaming in the streets, in cops’ faces was all but ignored by the corrupt and disgraced media. Trump rallies, bad. Rioting and looting, good. Then, Trump gets Covid and I have never seen a more jubilant or “told you so” media. “Karma” they shouted. A man working everyday for the people, meeting with tons of people all the time. It’s no surprise he got it, but to the media’s chagrin, he quickly recovered. The bastard didn’t die. No coma. No ventilator. Shit! “Why can’t he just die?” many probably hoped. 

Uh oh, Operation Warp Speed is ahead of schedule. “This is all propaganda and propping up by the President” the media claims. “He is just trying to make himself look better.” People are still f***** dying and all they care about is whether Trump will get credit for implementing an unprecedented operation. So, nope, sorry orange man, the mentally declining successor will be given all the credit by sycophants in the media. They drool at the trough of the Defecator party’s cesspool of operations. They place billboards and a death ticker on their media platforms. I thought we were all in this together? Yeah, until the Defecator party decided this was their godsend, their moment, their opportunity to (once again) exploit the vulnerable. Confuse us. Confound us. Shelter us all in place, by God. The grim reaper is on the loose and he’s coming for you. Paint blood over your front door in the hopes the evil spirit of death will simply drift on by. Credit though. It worked. An invisible force, in addition to some “curious” goings-on, defeated Trump, of course aided and abetted by the CCP. 

So, now here we are, in that Dark Winter, clueless Joe predicted. Huh, I wonder how he got so wise? Amazing that his team said in ads and in tweets, they knew this was a very dangerous and deadly virus back in January. Huh, somebody better tell Lord Fauci that because he said there was no great concern at this point. You know, the guy the Defecators love to prop up until they don’t need him anymore. That’s how they do it. Use you, abuse you, and then lose you. Anyway, so most likely, 90 +% of Americans are wearing masks. Every business with signs on their doors, and yet here we are in numbers too big to ignore. What do we say now? What is the next step? Lockdown again? It didn’t work the first time, or the second, or the third, or EVER! As much as the left will deny Trump ever said this, come the spring they will say, “Look, we are most likely going to have to live with this.” Yep, just as they accused Trump of waving the white flag, like that guy is going to admit defeat, they will admit this, just wait. Just like the seasonal flu. We have vaccines for those and yet we live with them, right? There is so much you brainwashed, intransigent, and misinformed yo-yo Defecator voters don’t know.  Yeah, I’m talking to you. You have no idea what you’ve done. Your hatred and neglect for any objectivity blinded your understanding. Your intolerance for all things Trump trumped any semblance of rationale. Didn’t you ever ask yourself one time in this whole process, “Wait a minute, this doesn’t look or sound right?” No, you have to have independent thought and curiosity for that. You know, you can balance the heart and the mind, but unfortunately for so many on the left, they all feel this righteousness to just go with their heart. Last time I checked, the heart didn’t solve my problems, my mind did. Balance. Something the left severely lacks, especially those who flooded our streets this summer. 

History, if we still decide to study it, will write the story of 2020 when the smoke, lies, and deception are revealed.


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