Scott's books

The Catcher in the Rye
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Great Gatsby
Where the Sidewalk Ends
Animal Farm
Slaughterhouse Five
Of Mice and Men
A Tale of Two Cities
The Count of Monte Cristo
Under the Tuscan Sun
The Da Vinci Code
The Bourne Identity
Kiss the Girls
Into the Wild
Into Thin Air
The Fellowship of the Ring
The Hobbit
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone
Angels and Demons

Scott Reighard's favorite books »

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Okay, here we go!

Today is my first blog on my new blogspot. Let me know your thoughts, changes, things you would like to discuss, etc.

1 comment:

  1. Scott,

    A combination of politics and sports, here is my question: Now that our president put his NCAA bracket on a 4x8 white board for all to see, did his action improperly influence the outcome and can someone who lost in Vegas make this claim? :)
    With merriment and hope,

    Jefferson, Mason and Madison; Life, Liberty and Property - Molon Labe!!!
