Scott's books

The Catcher in the Rye
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Great Gatsby
Where the Sidewalk Ends
Animal Farm
Slaughterhouse Five
Of Mice and Men
A Tale of Two Cities
The Count of Monte Cristo
Under the Tuscan Sun
The Da Vinci Code
The Bourne Identity
Kiss the Girls
Into the Wild
Into Thin Air
The Fellowship of the Ring
The Hobbit
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone
Angels and Demons

Scott Reighard's favorite books »

Monday, June 29, 2009

Infrastructure - is the house crumbling? Literally?

Recently discussed energy topics being bandied about are primarily focused on Cap and Trade stuff. Of course, another complicated idea coming out of DC. One where WE have no control, yet friends of "those in power" are taken care of, ahem, GE for instance. Notice how the Dems cleverly removed offshore drilling, etc off the table? They are a clever group aren’t they? But do they have the best interests of Americans or their party? I guess the same could be said for Republicans and their special interest groups as well. Anyhow, here to talk about something that is analogous to Cap and Trade, but vitally more important. The whole Cap and Trade is a smoke screen for power control by Dems, but on to my real subject infrastructure. About 50 billion of the 787 billion dollar stimulus package is designated for infrastructure. What about the campaign of President Obama where he talked about our infrastructure, yet all he allows for is a measly 50 billion?

Most experts feel that it would take 2.2. trillion just to get us back up to speed, and that does not include new projects. I don’t know if enough people are aware of this impending storm brewing. I guess 110 bridges need to collapse, or a power grid shuts down for weeks or a month.

Our population continues to grow and the system we created 40-50 years ago was not designed to handle all this weight, both figuratively and We have had several opportunities in the past, but it seems those in DC are too interested in “pet” projects that take care of their contributors. Look over mankind’s history all great civilizations existed in power due to their infrastructure. Here is a useful quote that should cause you to pause and hopefully take heed. "Spain invests roughly 5% of GDP in infrastructure, whereas the US invests in the range of 1%; for Spain, 60% of the investment is generated at the local level, and in the US 70% of investment comes from states and municipalities. If the US were to invest in infrastructure at Spain's rate we would be investing $750 billion this year, rather than the $120 billion estimated (as against $150 billion in 2008)." - Norman F. Anderson, President & CEO CG/LA Infrastructure.


Here is another quote, “China spends 9 percent of its gross domestic product (GDP) on infrastructure and India budgets 3.5 percent … while aiming to increase its allocation to 8 percent. By comparison, the United States budgets $112.9 billion or just 0.93 percent of its GDP, and sidesteps the reality of a ballooning $1.6 trillion deficit for necessary upgrades over the next five years.”
—Infrastructure 2007: A Global Perspective

For more on these thoughts.


Yes, there are other very important topics to take care of as well, but if we allow this to fall any further then we will assuredly pay a steep price. I don’t know about you folks, but we (socially and politically) have see-sawed enough in this country: Social Security, Health Care, Infrastructure, Immigration, Education, you name it, we are headed toward S*** Creek. The rubber is meeting the road and I don’t know if we’re prepared to deal with it. Al Qaeda doesn’t need to do anything really all they need to do is sit back and watch us destroy ourselves. The old maxim is true, “A house divided cannot stand.” And if we don’t get our act together the house (USA) is going to go down fast.

If you are interested in the actual stimulus money distribution, here is one site:

Don’t let this one fool you despite its title of progressive. Sometimes we can all agree on something. The author makes some very good points about a private style AIB (American Investment Bank) that can sustain projects, invest and create profits to the investor.

I would be interested to hear thoughts on this. Thanks for your time.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Few Things to Think About

I consider myself an optimist, but it’s hard to be optimistic these days given what is going on in DC and in many areas of America. Below are just a few things to consider. This is who is currently running DC:
People who:

  • vote for a $500 billion tax bill without even reading it?
  • Pass a ridiculous stimulus bill totaling nearly $800 billion?
    are spending trillions of borrowed dollars, leaving a debt our great-grandchildren will be paying?
  • consistently give special interest groups billions of dollars in earmarks to help get themselves re-elected?
  • want to take your wealth and redistribute it to others?
  • punish those who practice responsible financial behavior and reward those who do not?
    admit to using the financial hurt of millions as an opportunity to push their political agenda? “Never waste a good crisis.” Rahm Emmanuel, November 2008, Meet the Press.
  • run up trillions of dollars of debt and then sell that debt to countries such as China? Read:
    want government controlled health care?
  • want to take away the right to vote with a secret ballot in union elections?
  • refuse to stop the flow of millions of illegal immigrants into our country?
  • appoint a defender of child pornography to the Number 2 position in the Justice Department?
  • want to force doctors and other medical workers to perform against their will or conscience?
  • want to impose a carbon tax on your electricity, gas and home heating fuels? *
    want to reduce your tax deductibility for charitable gifts?
  • take money from your family budget to pay for their federal budget? **

Now, there are those on the left who will disagree with this, defending it as responsible and necessary, but it’s hard to defend such wanton disregard for the betterment of the American people for what appears to be a political agenda. History has shown countries that borrow, overspend, and have too much debt eventually fall. Read these two articles., and

*Word has it that our gas bills may go down next winter, but it is not because of the Obama stimulus, it is because the Energy companies have been working on new technologies to more efficiently extract gas reserves. So, don’t listen to the Left on this one. Note: This article is from the NYT.

**If you look at the eventual rise in taxes, because that is the only way, other than printing ridiculous amounts of money, people will see a dwindling of the their income, not to mention a hit to savings. So much for the Pay as You Go speech given by Candidate Obama.
Well, I would love to hear some feedback. Have a great day!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Christians Acting Like Christians

As we move forward in the 21st century I would like to make a few proposals to fellow Christians out there. Today is Easter. I know, what am I doing writing on Easter? Actually, I am inspired on Sundays to write. I have done some of my best writing on this day, odd, huh?

There is an argument going on in this country, is Christianity on the decline? Of course atheists trumpet this news, because as they say, misery loves company. Actually, I feel sorry for and pray for those who do not believe, or those who straddle the fence on belief, but I am not here to proselytize or condemn anyone, I am here to take a critical look at Christians.

We, Christians, believe the Bible is the word of God, and the gospels represent the teachings and account of Jesus’ life. We all pray for His return, but until He does there are some things we need to come together on. The left loves to paint us (with a broad brush I might add) as intolerant, narrow minded, unworldly, and other unkind words, and every bad act a Christian commits only reinforces their argument. I know that we are not perfect, and people are flawed to commit unfortunate acts, but the left and atheists don’t see it that way, they see us being hypocritical. They love to ridicule the “righteous” when they fall from grace. One good example is Governor Palin’s daughter. The left was all over them. “How dare those Christian zealots (my word for emphasis) from Alaska preach to us when they can’t even control their own house?” That is a good point because in part that is true.

What happened to the Palin’s is unfortunate, but it is reflective of the human condition, and of the foibles of an imperfect creature. The temptation of the flesh is a strong force and takes incredible strength and faith to fight. But if you look at where faith is the weakest you will find it in teenagers. This is the point where they question a lot: faith, parents, authority, etc. So is it a big surprise that many of them fall into the trappings of the flesh? But I digress.

Okay, here are my proposals for Christians. One, as we contemplate our place in the grand scheme of things I look to the Bible for instruction and guidance, and what I find is that Christ’s life was a simple life, so I ask Christians to return to instruction and guidance. If you are not reading the Bible enough, read it more, schedule it like you would a workout or a haircut. Read a chapter of Old Testament, then read a chapter of New Testament. Reading reinforces, asks for reflection, and therefore provides growth and understanding. You will feel better there’s no doubt.

Two, conserve. Oftentimes the right or conservatives, Christians, etc are not seen as having enough care for the planet because they believe that God will take care of it, and/or that we are just borrowing it anyway. Fiddle faddle, I believe God wants us to take care of His creation, as it states in Genesis, “This I have created for you.” Also, if you look at the simplification factor this conservation and caretaking is part of the overall picture. Here are a few links to check out:,, and
The left needs to understand and know that they do not have a corner on the environmental market. We can be a movement for environmentalism and conservation.

One way you can start is to begin recycling. All it takes is one month to get into the habit. All you need to do is start with one thing, say plastics. Set up three or four bins and toss in the bottles based on the number in the triangle at the bottom of the container. You can find out where the drop off points are, and simply do your part. I set up a bin in my classroom so the students can toss in their drink bottles, then I take the container to the environmental club. You could set up one at work if they don’t have one, or recommend one. You will feel better, trust me. From there you can branch out into other items like paper, glass, or whatever else they offer in your community. Also, cut down on your energy within the home, cut off unnecessary lights, etc. I don’t want to sound like I am preaching here, but it’s important to say these things. Like the Bible, these should be daily reminders.

Three, look at yourself before you judge others. Are you doing the right things? Are you saying the right things? It’s okay to sound off your politics, or whatever social criticisms you have, but let us conduct ourselves in a civil manner, it’s more effective. If we discuss rationally, channeling the teachings, much can be accomplished. Our first task is to take care of our own house.

In closing, simplify, be healthy by being active and eating right; embrace mind, body and soul. Feed the soul with scripture, feed the mind with education and positive thoughts, and feed the body with healthy nutrition, do not give in to indulgences. Love nature and feel His presence, and your disposition will improve dramatically. Again, if you are already doing these things, good for you, I am not trying to be pretentious or overly righteous here, I am a concerned Christian that has seen that part of the problem is how we act and conduct ourselves. A student once asked me, “How can you live a full and happy life by being a goody two shoe all the time?” I said, “With God in my life I already have a happy and full life. I enjoy the fruits of His blessings, and trust me I am having a great time.” Good luck!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

What is he saying Part II

Okay, I was going to let it rest so to speak, but I read a great article this morning, and it shed more light on what I wanted to say, but I'm not the fastest boat in the water when it comes to putting together a writing assignment quickly. I need time to stew, research, and basically make sure I stay away from impulsive, sometimes incendiary remarks. Emotionally charged people make for great "slip ups" when it comes to the expression department. Okay, so here it is.

I read an article by Michael Medved, "The Dangers of Leveling at Home and Abroad" available at

In a nutshell, I think ab0ut all the countries we have saved over the last 2 centuries and wonder why in the world this current administration feels compelled to call us out. Had we not intervened in WWI and WWII what do you think the world would look like Mr. Obama? What about Korea? I dare to say, you might still be looking for that day when you can vote had we not saved the world. Did he mention that? No, instead he apologized for dropping an atomic bomb on Japan. Again, to this administration fascism seems to be a "Right" disease, not of those with reason and rationale.

Okay we get it! Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, already. How many times do we have to apologize? What is so wrong with being numero uno? The world is not created for a level playing field, because guess what, and they might find this hard to believe, the strongest kid on the playground gets the best swing. I know, I know, there you go, that's typical irrational, ideological speak. Oh yeah? Try saying that to Iran, Korea, Russia, et al. Point: reality and dreaming do not mix. Dreaming is fun, reality is well, real.

President Obama claimed that he is not naive. Funny how he has to defend that statement, a statement widely circulated during the campaign, and now showing its fruit.

There was a commentary printed in our local paper several weeks ago that implied (that's a nice word for blamed) the Bush Administration for being too ideological, and that Bush attempted (again, a nice word for blatantly) to force the world to his will, yet the writer claimed glowingly that President Obama sees things in a "wordly context." Oh really, well if what he (President Obama) has proposed lately is not ideological I don't know what is. By the way, I wonder if Iran, Korea, Russia, et al see the world as President Obama sees it.

Now look, I don't blame the guy for trying, it is a noble goal, but it is highly unrealistic. I can understand his vision, to a degree, and that is to influence the world to see peace as a means to everyone getting along and advancing humankind. I am in the corner of praying for the same thing, but it seems as though the human condition is incapable of this due to the fact that somehow somewhere someone will exploit another.

In the grand scheme of things, and I am speaking wordly here, why would we, who fought our way to independence, and became a world power in about 150 years, want to give up our number one position? Do we want China to be number one, or Russia for that matter? We are the largest democracy in the world and we see the various other forms of governments around the world who continue to have some form of oppression. Whether it is a lack of opportunity, education, etc. There is no country like ours.

Why in the world would he (President Obama) feel compelled to want to level the powers in the world? That's like saying the Pittsburgh Steelers would share their Lombardi trophy with the Cardinals? I hardly think that Mr. Rooney, a staunch Obama guy would do that. Interesting thought! Also, if Mr. Obama wants equalilty, then why pick the NCAA tournament, and an overall winner? Not quite your typical analogy, but it shows a correlation between sports and society. There must be a winner, a number one, it is unfortunate that the President seems willing to sacrifice that "terrible" moniker we bear to the world.

Look, for all the so called short sightedness of ideologues, the world is full of them, and I think that as we advance as humans there are certain human elements we seem unable to shed. I must confess, I am somewhat confused what the President wants. I hope over the course of the next few months he clarifies his vision and that the national media will ask him important questions regarding this vision rather than just sitting in the backseat as he drives.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What is he saying?

When the election was over, and even though my candidate did not win, I knew that there was to be a new president and that I needed to support him. I have tried to be patient with his ideas, although I do not believe they are decisions well thought out. I can understand spending if it is done right, and if it goes toward worthy projects, but President Obama's recent trip abroad troubles me.

Why do people insist on apologizing for U.S.? What was the point to say that we have been sinful of slavery, Native-American genocide (my word for emphasis), and a place where 50 years ago he, our president, would not have been able to vote? Why did he feel the need to say these things? Is Europe or the Middle East pure? Hardly not, they have some deep and dark sins themselves. I do not wish to embark on a right/left angle here, but why do liberals constantly feel they must apologize for us. I don't get it. I can understand the arrogance statement, but what great nation does not have a sense of arrogance about it? He acquitted himself nicely by saying that perhaps people's perceptions of us are mistaken as well, but as soon as he traveled the next day he was back at it, saying US bad, you good.

Again, America is no saint country by any stretch of the imagination, but I just wish that he would have articulated and extolled the greatness of this country; how we contribute more money to Africa than any other country, and various other humanitarian aid and assistance we provide. Of course he couldn't say that in the face of Europe, which has exploited Africa for generations, and the fact that no president has helped Africa like President Bush. Why do we always have to play politics? Did he think a chorus of 'boos" would have emerged by mentioning Bush having done a good thing? Lastly, did Bush ever openly criticize the Clinton or Carter admininstration? I find the hypocrisy of the left to be absolutely astonishing. This is unfortunate in light of what Mr. Obama campaigned on.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Okay, here we go!

Today is my first blog on my new blogspot. Let me know your thoughts, changes, things you would like to discuss, etc.